Lallemand Baking
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Taste & Aroma


To stay on top of high quality bread trends, responding to the growing demand for product transparency, bakers are being challenged to develop value-added products containing natural ingredients. Creating naturally flavored, brightly colored bread that taste and smell great can attract more consumers.

Flavors and aromas in bread will depend on the type of flour used, but also on the fermentation and baking techniques. When the same flour and recipe are used, then the choice of fermentative ingredient, i.e. the use of varying strains of yeast and bacteria, will help produce breads with unique flavor profiles.

Discover Lallemand Baking’s sourdough starters, aromatic yeasts and dry flavor bases designed for convenient addition to formulations of signature artisan style bread and rolls, pizza, crackers and croutons, as well as for unique wheat and corn tortillas flavors.

Our Products

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