Our Baking Innovation Centers

Baking Innovation Centers 

Capitalizing on more than 100 years of baking experience, from our core fermentation-based technologies and scientific knowledge, we produce ingredients and continuously improve and expand our portfolio. We deliver baking solutions in record time to ensure your commercial success. 

Lallemand keeps on grows its network of Baking Innovation Centers that now comprise 3 research and development laboratories and 5 baking application development facilities around the world where we can showcase our expertise in yeasts, bread improvers, dough conditioners, in a whole range of new applications for different segments of the bakery market. 

R&D Laboratory focusing on the optimization of yeast production processes (National Research Council).

Baking Innovation Center focusing on product application development and training.

R&D Laboratory focusing on molecular biology of yeast.
Baking Innovation Center focusing on product application development.
Baking Innovation Center focusing on bakery application development equipped with sophisticated proofing boxes and ovens with the ability to imitate any climate and bakery conditions around the world.
Baking Innovation Center focusing on product application development.
R&D Laboratory focusing on sensory evaluation and research on yeast-derived bioactive compounds (Competence Center of Food and Fermentation Technologies).
Anchor Bakery Training Centre dispensing baking skills programs accredited by FoodBev SETA.
A Baking Innovation Center focusing on bakery application development and training.

Discover our motto: Innovation by Application here: