VitaD® Yeast

Yeast, a natural source of vitamin D®. Discover our innovative VitaD yeast made for all your baking recipes and needs.

Why is vitamin D important?

Vitamin D is considered a nutrient of health concern by many government health agencies, and many people around the world do not get the recommended daily intake.

The importance of vitamin D to the body includes maintaining strong bones and teeth. It also helps with the function of the immune, nervous and muscular systems. There is emerging evidence showing that vitamin D may play a role in protection against various cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, and glucose intolerance.

Where can we get Vitamin D?

Our bodies can make vitamin D when sunlight hits our skin, but weak sunrays in winter and covering skin with clothing or sunscreen reduce vitamin D levels considerably, which may lead to vitamin D deficiency which can lead to osteomalacia amongst other health issues. Moreover, vitamin D is produced less and less by the body with advancing age. A 70-year-old’s body produces 75% less vitamin D than that of a 20-year-old when measured using the same amount of sun’s rays.
There are a limited number of dietary sources of vitamin D and most of them are found in animal products.
Adding vitamin D to our diet would help us to reach our much needed vitamin D level. To avoid serious health issues, bread fortification with vitamin D was used back in the 1940s. Now it is possible to also find vitamin D in your daily bread when bakers use Lallemand VitaD® Yeast products. Lallemand range of VitaD® Yeast products is a natural and vegetarian source of vitamin D that can be used to enhance the vitamin D content of baked goods, and in particular of bread.

Yeast – A natural source of vitamin D

Bakers yeast can naturally produce vitamin D when exposed to the ultra violet light of the sun, similar to humans. Lallemand has developed a process that treats yeast with UVB light to produce a natural and vegetarian source of vitamin D yeast which can be used in bread, baked goods and other food products.

With the benefit of yeast rich in vitamin D, Lallemand Baking can offer bakers the possibility to make bread a daily source of vitamin D.

Questions and answers

EU Labelling Regulation No. 1169/2011 indicates that a minimum of 15% of the Recommended Daily Allowance in 100 grams (i.e. 0,75 micrograms of vitamin D) may be advertised with the words “contains vitamin D” or “source of vitamin D”, and a minimum of 30%  of the daily requirement in 100 grams (i.e. 1,5 micrograms of vitamin D) with the words “high source of vitamin D”.

The reference intake for vitamin D in Europe is 5 µg per day. This is also the base for any advertisement within the EU. However, several European countries recommend even higher values, for example:

  • Nordic nutrition recommendations are 10 micrograms for age 2-74
  • Germany, Austria and Switzerland recommendations are 20 micrograms.

United States: In accordance to 21 CFR 172.381,  products may be used safely as a source of vitamin D2 at a maximum level of 400 IU (10 mcg) of vitamin D per 100 grams of in yeast‐leavened baked goods and baking mixes and yeast‐leavened baked snack foods. Manufacturers now have to declare on the label the actual amount in micrograms (mcg) instead of in International Unit (IU). Forty (40) IU of vitamin D equals to 1 mcg of vitamin D.

Canada: In accordance to Canada Gazette Part I Vol. 145, No. 8,  products may be used safely as a source of vitamin D2 up to a maximum of 90 IU (2.25 mcg)/100g of yeast leavened bread and unstandardized yeast‐leavened bakery products such as pizza crust, bread mix, donuts, croissants and bagels.

United States: The Daily Values (DV) for vitamin D for the general population is 800 IU (20 mcg) [21CFR101.9].

Canada: The Daily Value for vitamin D for the general population is now 20 mcg (800 IU).

Depending on the product and type of yeast.

Lallemand VitaD® Yeast contains between 45 µg of vitamin D per 100 g of cube yeast and up to > 300 µg of vitamin D per 100 g of block yeast. The content is stated in the nutrition declaration provided with the product.

Our Premixes also vary depending on the product, with vitamin D contents from 34 µg/100g to > 600µg/100g.

Instaferm® VitaD® Premixes are simple blends composed of vitamin D yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and wheat flour for inclusion in bread, rolls and fine bakery products. Our premixes are made 100% from ingredients of vegetarian origin making them suitable for vegetarians and vegans. We also have gluten free formulations to match your specific needs.

Lallemand has developed different premixes to ensure absolute convenient and accurate scaling based on the flour weight.

Does vitamin D survive the baking process?

Yes! Stability studies confirm that vitamin D is heat stable. The content of vitamin D in bread baked with vitamin D yeast is not affected by baking and is stable for up to 14 days after baking.

Do I need to adjust my baking recipes?

No! Lallemand VitaD® Yeast contains the same good baking properties as our conventional baker’s yeast and can be used in all recipes. Try it out!

Health claims authorized in the EU for vitamin D

  1. It contributes to normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus
  2. It contributes to normal blood calcium levels
  3. It contributes to the maintenance of normal bones
  4. It contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function
  5. It contributes to the maintenance of normal teeth
  6. It contributes to the normal function of the immune system and inflammation response
  7. It has a role in the process of cell division

To achieve the above mentioned beneficial effects, one should consume 100% of the Recommended Intake of vitamin D equivalent to 5 µg of vitamin D per day.

VitaD premixes

Lallemand has a range of VitaD® Yeast products with natural and vegetarian sources of vitamin D that can be used more conveniently to enhance the vitamin D content of baked goods, and in particular of bread. 

Instaferm® VitaD® Premixes are simple blends composed of Vitamin D yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and wheat flour for inclusion in bread, rolls and fine bakery products. Our premixes are made 100% from ingredients of vegetarian origin making them suitable for vegetarians and vegans.  

Lallemand complete then its offer of VitaD baker’s yeast with the VitaD premixes, which ensure absolute convenient and accurate scaling based on the flour weight. With the Lallemand ViraD premixes the dosage calculation and adaptation depending on the desired vitamin D claim for different recipes is easy and very convenient. Contact our expert teams for more information. 

Lallemand Baking offers a full range of high-performance yeast products to meet today’s baking needs. 

Instaferm® VitaD® products have been designed, tested and manufactured for quality and consistency. 

Formulations have been developed for all types of batch sizes and for a variety of baked goods applications. 

VitaD® Product list per market region